Cosmic Smashbooking™ and Cosmic Coaching™

The Fusion of Art Journaling with Intentional Creativity

Intentional Creativity® is to make with love, mindfulness and intention

What is Cosmic Smashbooking™?

Grounding in the sacredness of Earth, in the sacredness of the Cosmos, Cosmic Smashbooking®(CSB) is an intuitive art form. It is a fusion of intentional creativity and self-discovery through art journaling.

It’s a space where you can process whatever is on your mind or in your life. 

This unique creative process employs language, image, and color. In the Cosmic Smashbook®, journaled pages of emotions such as resting, releasing, grounding, claiming, celebrating, grieving, and intention setting are prayed over and composted under color, collage, paint, and mixed media. 

In your first session, the journal is created, incorporating all of the senses (who knows? There may be more than 5!) and your intention is set for your CSB experience. In returning sessions, new pages revolving around your original intention are “smashed”, weaving in new or remembered experiences, perhaps a monthly or seasonal theme, always keeping vigil for your Muse to appear, keeping your inner critic at bay. 

Creating the journal includes making a cover, setting an intention, gluing every other page together, smashing the pages, adding ribbons, cords and embellishments, and gilding the edges. Once the perfection is smashed out, the journaling begins, followed with petitioning, then painting over it all and adding collage if desired. The pages will lead the path. 

What is Cosmic Coaching™?

Cosmic Coaching® (CC) is guided creative self-expression with transformational life coaching. What do you really love, love to talk about, get really lit up about? What is the one big thing, dream, vision you’d like to make happen? 

 What is getting in the way of that vision? What would it look like, feel like, when you accomplish this dream? 

CC is a 12 week program where we meet once a week for an hour. During these sessions we’ll identify your question, create your intention, and dive into images using CSB to gain a deeper working wisdom of your intention. Here is where we spill our musings, dreams and emotions onto the journal page, composting them under prayers, color, images and collage, and witness the magic that arises through the process. 

Sometimes we use a query or prompt to uncover the wisdom your style represents through creative exploration, self-affirmation and CSB. Using Language, Image and Color you’ll discover your artistic style, your own artistic voice, and wisdom around your vision.

My coaching style employs journaling, reflecting, and artistic composting by planting dreams and watching them grow up through the art. It will awaken your inner vision through creative self-expression with coaching.

During our coaching sessions, I’ll also be guided as we progress and create smashbook pages together.

Sign-up for a cosmic smashbooking™ session

Sign-up for a cosmic coaching™ session